Monday 1 March 2021

Day 60: Stop annoying me!

 One of the things that infuriates me is how people who don't like cricket take pleasure in telling me. It is with absolute glee, and I'm not sure why. I don't think I ever denigrate anyone else's hobbies in the same way. I don't think I would enjoy doing plenty of things, but I would never lay into anyone for doing something they love. I don't particularly like golf, but if that is your thing, then fair enough.

It is the same as people's reaction to women's sports; fair enough, if it isn't your thing, that is fair enough. But leave those who do alone. What joy can anyone possibly get from telling an athlete who has put years of training into becoming the best at their event as possible?

If you are one of those who sees a post on social media of a women's sporting event and are urged to reply, 'no one cares,' I can assure you there are plenty of us that do.

I have met many women who play competitive sport and have seen the passion they put into playing the game and inspiring those that come after. When you write an anonymous message to someone who is putting all their heart into what they are doing, you confirm that we could never be friends.

I don't want to be so negative all the time, but here we are. I will always do my best to promote women's cricket, particularly as I have said before; I need to improve the standard of my writing.

Anyway, let us talk about something more encouraging and exciting. As we move into March, we aren't far away from the start of the cricket season. That anticipation of things to come starts to warm the heart.

I'm looking forward to a mix of different kinds of cricket.

I will hopefully get to play for Sherwood Colliery in the Bassetlaw League. I want to watch and write about as many games as possible, both women's and men's. It's not a case of one over the other. Cricket is cricket, and that is where I want to be.

I have recently interviewed some inspiring cricketers and a fantastic coach. I am working on transcribing those interviews and hopefully bring them to you soon. If you can get them to a wider audience, let me know, and we can work together.

Are there any players or coaches out there you would like to hear about? If you had the opportunity to ask any questions, what would you ask?

Let's make this a fantastic season where the action does the talking, and there are wonderful stories to be told.




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